
Just say no to lipstick.

10:41 PM

I'm here today to give you my top 5 reasons of why a mom shouldn't wear lipstick.

5. Just stop pretending your life is fancy already.  We all know you're just going to Costco.

4.  You know that is going to be all worn off by sloppy toddler kisses by the time your husband comes home from work, right?

3.  It only accentuates the bags under your eyes.

2.  So many color choices, so little time.  O.k. NO time. You're lucky if you get a shower.

   And my #1 TOP REASON WHY A MOM SHOULD NOT WEAR LIPSTICK......well, do I really even have to say?  After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.  

And I've got three of them.

Happy Tuesday, everyone.

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