It's a new year.

2:35 PM

Once again, a new year is upon us.

  I don't know about you, but each and every new year finds me poised with a pen over paper, mind running madly and hand hurriedly scrawling about 62 resolutions.

   You may hate New Year's resolutions, and I've always had a strange love/hate relationship with them too, but the thing is, there is always something in me that WANTS to make them.  It feels like such a clean slate.  Such a chance to start over and really DO this thing this time.  And a new start IS so refreshing.  January 1st always revs things up a bit for me and I find myself juicing, working out, having my quiet time, and being more organized.  But the February rolls around and I start to run out of steam.

   But our problem lies not in making resolutions, but in the definition of the word "resolution".  In the dictionary it is defined as a firm decision to do or not do something.  Whoa.  So if my New Year's resolution is to eat healthier, is that a FIRM decision never to eat a french fry for an entire year??!  I'm doomed before I begin!  Suddenly it can all start to get a bit heavy and vague and "what does that even MEAN anyway?" and out our resolutions go with the day's trash.

   So I try not to think of them as resolutions.  Maybe it's a cop out, but truly, for me they are GOALS.  Things I aspire to, aim towards, and hope to achieve, but will not label myself a failure if they don't come to fruition in 2014.

   Recently I became aware of this concept (I know, it's been around a long time and I've been living under a rock) of choosing a word for the year.  Last year my word was "Simplify" and I'm not sure if I accomplished simplicity in my life to the height of my expectations, but I did make some progress towards a simpler life, and so in that regard, I succeeded.

This year my word is "Surrender".

   I have some very, very specific situations to which that applies, and then I have some vague situations to which it also applies like priorities, time management, goals, ambitions, what drives me, what motivates me….etc.  And while those are a bit vague, it helps to guide me along the right path to have one over-riding theme, which in this case is SURRENDER.  Giving it all to God.  The good, the bad, the ugly.  I want Him to become the driving force in my life.  What people see when they look at me.  I want His victory in some areas in which I fall on my face nearly every time.  I want freedom from comparison, jealousy, and fear.  I want to be brave. Courageous. I want to truly surrender to His plan.

   So instead of a list, (well, I still have a list floating around somewhere, but that's besides the point;)  I have a word.

What's your word for this year?

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  1. My word is Hope and I stole it from Rachel Beachy. :D I'm going to try to look at all circumstances through the lens of hope instead of anything else at all. I imagine this will take lots of mental re-directing on my part. ha.

    I wish you all the best in 2014 and whatever other items are on your list of resolutions, I hope you get to check them off, nice and neat.

  2. This is the first time I'm doing a one word focus. I've thought of it other years, but nothing stood out to me, so I did the traditional resolutions. :) This year my word is listen. I used to be a good listener, but have really gotten away from it. For January I'm focusing on not interrupting. :) I want to have sub-goals throughout the year. At first I was thinking merely on being a good listener when other are talking, but I'm seeing already how it will expand to spending time listening to God and teaching my children to really listen--not just hear. I'm excited about it. I'm also looking forward to hearing about what you learn about surrender this year.

  3. i kinda have more "phrases" than words- limp in His for eternity. recognizing for me, surrender comes when i turn my focus from myself to what matters for eternity. i want to rest in His arms, but more than rest.. be completely limp, relaxed, at peace there!

    i'm with ya on resolutions. i tell myself i'm not making them, but always kinda do in my mind if nothing else. :) they are good motivators at the start of a year~

    enjoyed seeing your florida pics. wish i were there right about now!!


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