The blessing of family.

12:50 PM

   We have just been loving our time with family lately.  I found myself this morning, puttering around the kitchen cleaning up after brunch with my coffee in hand while hearing the happy sounds of the guys tinkering in the garage, and the girls giggling with their grandma and I just felt so, SO blessed.  And as quickly as I felt it I felt the strong urge to speak aloud, "Thank-you Jesus for my girls.  Thank-you Jesus for my family. I am blessed.  I am so blessed!"  Because I was just afraid that if I didn't take that moment and give audible thanks, and show my deep gratitude in some tangible way, than that beautiful moment would have slipped through my fingers forever and I wouldn't have been grateful enough for it.  

    On the night they arrived, Jocelyn was so eager and could hardly wait for them to come.  She drug that little blue stool to the front door window and clutched her (belated) Valentines in her hand and watched the moments passed as she anxiously waited to see them pull in the drive.  What a treasure to be able to watch your children grow to love your extended family.

   I always assumed that the distance separating us would grow to be less and less painful as the years went by, but I'm afraid that is NOT the case.  As your children grow, they learn to love more deeply and they bond more quickly and each goodbye is just a little bit harder than the one before.  I'm so sorry to break it to any other young, translated brides that find themselves in a new community far from their home, but I'm afraid that is has been true for me.  That although the years do bring more friendships and a feeling of "home" to this strange land, it also brings more pain to each parting.

Can't have it all, I guess.

   Randy and Dad are building shelves for storage that we desperately need in the garage today.  It will be a HUGE blessing to have those, and so nice for Randy to have Dad's help in building them.  I just love to see them working together.  Growing up, I was so impressed at my Dad's ability to make/fix/do ANYTHING.  He is the true definition of a handy-man.  And now, just as much or even more, I love to see Randy doing projects of his own.
   Mom brought a pink and purple sparkly dress with just the perfect "twirling" ability for Jocelyn.  And don't all of us ladies know that that is truly the mark of a perfect dress?  It's ability to twirl? Anyways,  she hasn't take it off since.  We're going on day two and I may have to hide it so she doesn't demand to wear it unwashed to church tomorrow for the third day in a row……..

    The sun peeked it's head out of the clouds today so we spent a little time outside.  I just adore boxwood, and a dear friend from church blessed us with a homemade wreath and a potted plant of it!  I think of her every time I see it.

   And while I'm at it, let me tell you just a little bit about Kate.  She is an inspiration to me.  She has 6 beautiful children, 3 boys and 3 girls, and somehow she still finds the time to invest in others and be a blessing to her church family and all of those around her.  I have so much to learn!  Sometimes with just my two little ones I can get overwhelmed and start to feel my "boundaries" shrinking and shrinking until it feels like I only have energy for my own family, my own home, my own small circle and DON'T GIVE ME ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE!  But it is people like her that remind me what we have to offer the world around us, and what a pity it would be if we missed out on the opportunity to do that.
  And so I hope that these beautiful plants last and last, despite my amazing ability to kill everything green within a 5 mile radius of myself, and serve to remind me daily of the simple, refreshing beauty of offering ourselves to others.

   Tell me about how someone blessed you recently, or an opportunity you were given to speak life to others…..I'd love to hear!

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  1. My girls used to cry and cry when we would come home from Grandma's. It has gotten a bit better as they get older, more able to understand what's happening I guess. We only live 5 hours from my family and people say, "Well, that's not so bad." No, it's not travel wise, but neither are we next door in the same community so we can just drop in whenever. One thing I do love is whole weekends spent with them, watching my kids wait for them to arrive and being so excited about seeing them again. It reminds me of going to see my grandma when we were little. :)


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