2013 winter retreat.

2:11 PM

Tuesday, Snooze-day....such a slow day.

    After the whirlwind of the weekend and the crash-landing that always follows on Monday, what with the piles of laundry and the exhaustion from lack of sleep and so on, Tuesday is always sort of the lull of the week.  A day for homemade chicken noodle soup, a trip to the library, and putting up one's feet and catching up on the ol' blog.

   We had a delightful weekend out at the coast for our annual Sunday school retreat.  It was a delightful time of connecting with friends, playing games, warming ourselves by the fire, and eating lots of delicious food.

   I am coming to really love Twin Rocks camp.  In previous years, it seemed I couldn't enjoy the amenities as much because of either being pregnant and tired or toting around a tiny infant.  But this year, I bit the bullet and left both of my babies at home with a sitter.  Eek!  It wasn't easy.  But they survived, we survived, and a good time was had by all.  With no bun in the oven or baby in tow, I was able to really enjoy the retreat, and it was a relaxing, re-charging and rejuvenating time.  

   And what, I ask you, is more fun than a bunch of grown adults doing a bunch of goofy skits?  Not much, I can tell you.  I was wiping tears of laughter by the end of the evening. 

   Everyone was a really good sport and did a fabulous job.  I think somehow I missed a skit or two with my camera, and that bums me out...in any case, they were all great!

   Early Sunday morning, after breakfast and before church, Randy and I took a walk along the beach and I am so glad we did.  It doesn't matter how many times I go to the coast, the rugged, wild beauty of it all takes my breath away.

     I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful church family.  They have always welcomed us with open arms, and we have felt so supported and appreciated there.  I know it is no small thing to find that in a church, and I am so thankful.  The speaker was so good, encouraging us to be servant leaders of one another, focus on unity and remember how God has first humbled Himself to serve us.  They were all timely and powerful messages, and I came away with a lot of things to think about.   It was also such a good feeling to sit down and listen to a speaker, and really be able to take notes, follow along in the Bible, and actually LISTEN for once, instead of tripping in and out of the sanctuary for little one's potty breaks, picking up spilled Cheerios and shushing cries from babies.  Distraction-free I felt able to truly worship, and hear from God.

    What a wonderful weekend.  Thank-you to all who worked hard behind the scenes at the retreat, and especially to our wonderful World famous babysitter who made it possible for us to leave our daughters in very capable hands, and enjoy a weekend alone, as a couple.  We are so grateful to you, Harmony!!

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