

A note to you, reader.

  It's a drizzly day, the girls are asleep, and I am all cozied up with a blanket and my cup of Earl Grey.  I love blogging.  I think I can honestly say that now.  Which is very encouraging to me, because I haven't always been able to say that.  That break was one of the best things I've done with this blog, even though I missed it, truly I did.

   I think I appreciate my readers more, too.  I find myself wanting to reply to each comment, and meet each person I haven't met before, and gather everyone up who has ever stopped by and sweep you all away out to a retreat at the coast where we could put up our feet by the fire and talk about life.

   What makes you stop by?  What do you enjoy about "Frame of Mind?"  What would you like to see more of/less of?  What topics are you itching to see addressed?  Anything I should change?  Should I feature more guest bloggers?  Would YOU like to be one of those?  Hit me up with some feedback, I'd love to hear from you on any one or all of the above!

   And I KNOW those tabs on the side are probably driving most of you crazy, but I will TRY and get them up and running soon.  It's been one of those things I just cannot seem to get around to.  Hopefully soon.

   Thanks again, dear reader, for being just that.  A reader.  I cherish each one of you.  Thanks for humoring me in the pursuit of this silly little dream of mine of writing.  Of being a writer.  *yikes* I don't think I've ever even said that before.  That I'd like to be a writer.  It just sort of bubbled up and out of me.  Come to think of it, the first time I told Randy I loved him was the same way.  It wasn't a phrase that was ever very easy for me to say, and I hadn't said it to him yet.  Then one day, we were just talking on the phone, and he made me laugh like he always can, and without even thinking or any premeditation whatsoever, it just bubbled up and out of me before I even knew what I was saying.  It surprised even me, as I found my own lips forming the words, "I love you."  It was such a special moment for both of us, and I will never forget it.

Sorry for the rabbit trail.

   So anyways, feedback.  I'd love to hear from you all.  But now I think I hear a little one up from her nap, so I'm over and out.  Happy Thursday.


  1. I just like to hear about your everyday life! Your thoughts on faith and God, seeing pictures of your style, what you are up to in your corner of the world. Randomness suits me just fine - the way God works in your everyday more than anything I guess. I'm a Mennonite of sorts in a big city on the east coast, and I think you are, or have, Mennonite roots too? Figuring out Mennonitish sorts of things in this culture I live's cool. :)

    1. Thanks so much for your feedback! I grew up Mennonite as well and currently am a member of a Mennonite church. I'd love to talk about it all sometime with you! I'm sure we'd have lots in common.:)

  2. i know i've said this before, but the big reason why I like your writing, is because you speak the truth about real life! And you and I are in the same stage of motherhood, which makes it mean even more to me. I've often come away from your blog feeling refreshed and energized in both motherhood and my walk with God. And i'm loving the frequency of your posts now!! :) Vanessa

    1. I'm so honored that my blog could be used to help refresh and energize someone. Blessings!

  3. I guess I read your blog mostly because we are in the same stage of life and I can relate so well to different things in your life. I too am from Iowa, but moved the opposite direction when I got married--to Indiana. I have 2 girls. We know some of the same people...and I just really enjoy reading your thoughts!

    One thing I would like to hear you write about is dealing with not having your mom close by. Does that bother you? I didn't think it did until now I have children and sometimes I just can hardly stand it that she's not close by to see them grow and change!

    Keep up the great writing.

    1. Sounds like we share a lot in common! I will have to post sometime about living far from family and the new dynamic it can create....yes it is hard, but in some ways it can be a blessing in disguise. But yes I certainly wish we lived closer to each other. Especially when kids come along! They make you miss your mom in a host of new ways.

  4. You have such a great blog. I too like to hear about everyday life! one of my favourite posts was the one about your change of heart about canning. I love reading about how people change in big and small ways as they go through life :)

    On the other hand it's always wonderful to hear about people's most ambitious hopes and dreams; I think maybe the sacrifice of not being 100% content with the present is worth it, for how exciting dreaming feels, lol

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! It is so helpful to hear what people enjoyed reading and why. Thanks!
