


   This one goes out to all the late-night-counter-wipers.  The potato-mashers, the meatball-makers, the bathe the babies one at a timers.  This one is for the rule-makers, the babysitter finders, and the owie-kissers.  I never knew how much you sacrificed.  I never knew what it felt like to give until it hurt, until I became one of you.  I never knew how good it felt to tuck them into bed, and pour yourself a glass of something bubbly and sit down to a favorite show with a giant bowl of popcorn like I'm about to now.  That's a glass of sparkling juice, for all of you who were about to give me a N.U.I.  (Nursing under the influence). 

   That's where I found myself tonight.  Frantically picking up toys and lonely socks and up to my elbows in Dawn dishsoap scrubbing at leftover dishes from my meatball/mashed potato/broccoli salad extravaganza.  But you know what?  That feeling of accomplishment?  When the babies are tucked into bed, and the food is tucked into the fridge and freezer and you sit down to take in a little Parenthood with my famous, 3-seasoning popcorn?   

Sooooo worth it. 

  Yes there is a laundry basket still sitting in the living room.  After all, even us super-moms can't do it ALL, all the time. :)


  1. A post like this one is the reason why I like you're blog! You're real. and you write about real life. I love that! :) yay to sparkling juice! - vanessa

  2. This is great. I, too, look forward to "off-duty" time in the evening...and nap time! Getting up earlier than the girls do helps also, but somehow to me isn't quite as relaxing. I feel like I'm on edge, just waiting for any noise that they're up already! =)

    1. I SO want to start regularly getting up earlier than the girls. I struggle so badly at doing that!

  3. I have no idea who I was reading today that linked to you, but ... here I am. Feeling a little foolish bc the last time I was here I seriously thought you lived in PA as opposed to my back yard, comparatively.
    Anyway, I just had to tell you that... Christy of MovinginFaith/Atlanta is coming to OR this June. She is an amazing photographer (I'm sure you know that) and is shooting a wedding. Eeee. I am so excited to actually meet her. We have been internet friends for a long time...

    1. I would love to meet her as well! I should contact her and see if that's at all possible. Do you know what area of Oregon they're visiting?

    2. Ours. She is doing Karla's SIL wedding. ;)

  4. Replies
    1. I'm sure you well understand the feeling of relief.:)
