So as I was saying....

9:50 PM

   So, funny story about this post. 
   I started writing it after midnight on the night I was anxiously awaiting my friends' arrival.  That was on May 23.  I got almost to the end of the post, but then they arrived and I was far too excited about them being here to finishing publishing this post.  Skip forward to today, June 4th, and I'm finally getting back to this poor neglected thing.  I tell you, we have just been skipping from one vacation to the next, with quick little "do-laundry-so-we-can-pack-again"  breaks at home every now and then. 
   But I'm not complaining!  I sort of thrive on this kind of thing. here's the post I started posting all that very long, long while ago, and I'm about 15 hours behind on sleep so I'm going to just post it, even as belated as it is, and try and "catch up" on all the other wonderful stuff that's happened since then soon.  
    It is 12:46 am and the house is quiet and still.  Well, that's not entirely true.  There is a load tumbling in the dryer and my fingers are clicking on the keyboard, but other than that...quiet and still.  Ahhh, bliss.  Why don't I stay up late more often?  Oh, because I would want to sleep all the next day, that's why. 

   So why the late night?  I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my dear friends (and their husbands) for a weekend out at the coast over Memorial day.  How did I get so lucky that my dear, kindred spirits would travel literal 1,000s of miles to come visit me? O.k. so maybe it's because they kinda want to see the Oregon coast too, whatev.  I'm sure they would still come visit me even if I lived in the middle of the desert, right ladies?  Right??  Hey, we visited Jewel, so anything's possible.:) 

   I figured that during my waiting, I would make use of my time and post some pictures of my family's trip out here.  Because by the time we get back from our trip at the coast, I will want to post pictures of that, but before I'll be able to hardly touch those, it will be off again on a vacation with Randy's family!  Busy, busy times.  But it's all good things that I wouldn't want to miss, so who's complaining?

    These pictures were taken back during that BRIEF (but oh-so-lovely) hiatus from the winter doldrums that we experienced a few weeks ago.  But Oregon, like a dog returning to its vomit, has succumbed back to rain.  Sigh.  I was SO hoping for a nice weekend at the coast!  Please, please, pleeeeeaaaseeeee can we get some sunshine?! 

    A favorite of both my neices and nephews and my own children, is the "duck pond" in Albany.  We like to take our stale, moldy leftovers and go feed the ducks.  Tell me, is it bad to feed ducks moldy bread?  Cause I certainly have.

  Hey random sun flare, you're blocking my dad! 

   I am so glad I captured these moments in pictures, for numerous reasons.  1.  It witnessed Mom in a RARE, fleeting time of relaxing and enjoying her grandchildren, and not painting walls or washing windows or canning something.  2.  It helps me remember that not all spring/summer days are gloomy. O.k. I only have 2 reasons but they're good ones so there.

    I'm so, so, so thankful for my family.  They are so adventurous and fun, willing to try new things and not afraid to breathe in a little wild air now and then.  I am thankful that they adore the man I chose to marry, and that he in turn gets along famously with them.  I am so glad that they make the sacrifices it takes to come all the way out here to the Wild West to visit me.  I am thankful for all that they have spoken into my life, and how they have helped make me the person I am today. 
  Graber family, I love you dearly, please come again soon.  

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  1. Missing You all! Mom

  2. Cute! I love getting together with Family!

  3. Shelley, I'm so curious how close I was to where you live. I photographed a wedding in Brownsville the first of June. The town name sounded so you live close to there? I would have loved to be all blog-stalker-ish and come track you down. Wouldn't you have loved a stranger randomly dropping by??? :) :) But, seriously, I would love to meet you someday. I love your blog~

  4. How do I say thanks for the Family GOD has given me


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