And Just like that, it's July.

9:00 PM

I am doing worse and worse at blogging consistently. Makes me rather disappointed in myself, and frustrated that after such bright optimism at the prospect of this new blog inspiring me to post, I continue to slack. Grr. But I suppose these are thoughts every blogger feels occasionally.

June flew by in the way that only summer months do, and here we are, 6 days into July. Speaking of six days, I am 16 weeks and 6 days along, which means tomorrow marks another week milestone, week 17! My baby is now the size of an avocado, which pleases me.:) If you want to track the size of my babe along with me, just scroll to the bottom of my blog. I fondly remember the size it was when I found out I was bigger than a poppy seed! Amazing, the miracle of growth.

For the 4th of July Randy and I went with some family and friends to Christmas Valley, Oregon. Fascinating place. Think of what you would imagine some of the most scraggly, rugged, outback of Australia looking like (minus the trees) and that's about what it looks like. I'm still trying to figure out how people survive, not to mention have milk to drink, when the local grocery sells it for over $4 a gallon and the closest place to go REAL shopping is 90 miles away! However, it was a charming little place, and we met some nice people and attended Christmas Valley community church on Sunday, which I loved.

My belly has reached that very awful stage of not being nearly big enough yet to look like I'm pregnant, but plenty big enough to look like I've eaten 12 too many Krispy Kremes. Ug. :p

Dunk him, honey!

Waiting to see if the chicken will poop on our square, awarding us a $50 prize.:)

Konrad, in an amazing feat of skill, sunk a 50 ft. putt on the first try and won $40!

ONLY in Christmas Valley...

Well that's all for now. Need to get this body into bed soon, as it has been a very long day. Goodnight!

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  1. Yay for a picture of your belly (kind of) (:


  2. Your lil belly is cute BTW. Krispy Kreme, schrispy kreme.


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