A Major highlight.

11:53 AM

   What says "summer" more than baseball and Coca-cola?  The word summer maybe, but not much else.

    Leaving Florida, we squeezed ourselves into our compact, little rental car and took off for Atlanta, Georgia.  Agenda:  meeting up with friends Mike & Deb Stoltzfus, and catching a Braves game at Turner Field.   My cousin Brandon Beachy plays for the Braves, so we were very excited to be going to one of his games, even though he wouldn't be playing due to an injury.  Thankfully, he's all better now, and doing better than ever!  So first of all, a little write-up on the man of the hour is in order....

   Isn't he a good-looking guy?  But don't let the tall, dark and handsome bit intimidate you.  He is the most down-to-earth, polite, and sweet guy you will ever meet.  Sometimes it's still hard to believe that is the small town farm boy I grew up playing hide-n-seek and kick-the-can with.  Hours upon hours were spent in games and competitions, both friendly and frustrating when I could never quite beat him.  We always had so much fun and hated it when it came time to leave.
    Still takes me by surprise a little bit every time I see him on TV, but part of me knew that little town in Indiana wouldn't be able to contain him for long.  He was one of those people destined to be great at whatever they chose to do.  And isn't it truly wonderful to watch someone doing what they love, and loving what they do?  I'm so happy to see him achieving a childhood dream, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.  We wish you the best, Brandon! 

And now for some pictures from our time in Atlanta:

After the game we got to watch fireworks from the field!

   It was great catching up with Brandon!  (Unfortunately my red-eye editing tool was no match for Jocelyn's deer-in-headlights look)

 The next day we ate breakfast and then headed to the Coca-cola museum!

Taste-testing room! Best part. :)

   It was a wonderful time and (as my cheesy pun in the title of this post explained) a highlight of our trip.  After that it was on to Tennessee, but that's another post for another time! 

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  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun! I can not get over how cute Joce is! I love your Florida updates!

  2. Oh, yay, Atlanta is my current hometown, so it was extra fun to read this post. And now I'm doing this silly, stressing out thing about what all I should comment about...because I read your blog and love it, but never comment. :) Maybe I will comment more often now. :)

  3. Oh you never have to stress out about leaving a comment here...we're very low-key over at Frame of Mind. ;) Seriously, thanks for commenting. Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads this thing, and I always love hearing from people who do! You have quite the sweet blog yourself.


  4. I know it's so silly. Whenever someone leaves a, "nervous about commenting her" note on my blog I can't quite figure it out. :) :) And I do love your blog!


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