
9:15 PM

   WHOA.  My blogging life was just completely revolutionized.  Are you ready for this folks?  Deep breath...I figured out how to post pictures from my iPhone on here.  I'm sure to all you techies out there, this is pretty much the equivalent of learning how to keep food balanced on your spoon until it reaches your mouth.  But to me, this is such a break through.  In fact, I might actually blog consistently now!  No wait, I'll start in the new year.  Then I can uphold one of my resolutions and it will empower me to uphold the rest.  Yessss, I have a plan.  Oh, this is gonna be good.

   So I'm here in the snowy, frosty, chilly homeland of Iowa.  If you're a dear friend or loved one and I haven't seen you yet, please don't fear.  I am trying to squeeze in as much quality time with everyone as much as possible over the brief time that I'm here, but these first few days are mainly about family, and then I leave for the weekend to the wedding in IN, and I'm hoping to see more of you lovelies there.  Anyway, here's what we have been able to do so far....

Of course no trip to K-town would be complete without a visit to my beloved Kalona Coffee House, and if you're local and haven't checked it out yet, well than you're physically unable to leave your house, and I feel sorry for you.  I can think of no other reason why you wouldn't have gone there and sampled some of their holiday goodness.  Or even if you're not local.  I'm from the West Coast for Pete's sake, and I've made it there twice in the past 3 days.  Mistletoe Mocha? Snickerdoodle latte?  Yeah, I don't know what you're waiting for either.

And how perfect is this scenario:  Dragging oneself out of bed in the cold, wintry morning, and hustling down to aforementioned coffee shop to meet a dear friend and enjoy a blueberry muffin, java, and good discussion.  PLUS, it's snowing. Delight.  

 Lovely times with the fam have been happening as well, such as games and movies and lots and lots of food.

   And then there's this little angel who just can't quite get enough of all the attention from Grandma, Grandpa and the aunt/uncles.  I'm sure when we go back home she'll be attention-starved unless I hold her all day long.  She is just tickled to be here.  But I think she misses her daddy, and if he were only here, she would have just about everything she needs.  I have just been thrilled with how good she has been.  Happy, cheerful, letting people feed her and put her to sleep...I don't know what to do with myself with all the built-in babysitters.  And she's been working out too, check out those obliques.

   I just wish I had pictures of the others things I've gotten to do so far too, like lunch with Shawn, coffee with Janene, the chicken dinner at Pathway, church on Sunday, and shopping with Mom.  Good times.  I am amazed every time I go back to Pathway how different it feels.  So many new faces, with people I can't even recognize being these tough, cool, seniors and then thinking, "Oh wait, I DO remember them.  Only at about 7 years old."  And then I feel really weird and old and just stop staring at them.  Some people actually didn't recognize ME, which I'm hoping was a good thing?  Hopefully I haven't aged THAT ungracefully....  It's also weird to realize that while I do talk to some students, I find more in common with the parents of students, and end up talking more with them.  And then I see my high school teachers and I feel 16 again.  It is just. So. Weird.

   Well, that's enough for now.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I don't have to get pictures off of my camera to blog photos anymore...amazing.

Hush, you techie scoffers.

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  1. so jealous of your phone. what is it about those pictures that is just. plain. COOL?

  2. Heh, Shelley, you are a genius wizard of technology. I'm quite tempted to switch from Xanga to blogspot because of how difficult it is to upload pictures into a xanga post.

    I really do believe we can get Jocelyn to crawl, if it weren't for all the lavish attention bestowed upon her. Just call me "Tough-Love Uncle Shawn"

    It's awesome having you out here, Shelley! As soon as I'm done with the Kalona-to-Eugene SpeedRail transit system, we'll see each other much more often. :)

  3. sweet, we'll be waiting for lots more pics!


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