Another Pinteresting post.

3:20 PM

   So I went to St. Vinnie's today (great thrift store for those of you non-locals) and bought me a planner.  It was cool looking, 50% off and pretty much exactly what I needed, so we are about to get all organized up in here!  It was high time this mama got one, and now that I have one, there is pretty much no stopping me.  Unless of course I forget it at home.

   Quick question, can ya'll comment on my posts?  No, I'm not begging for comments, but asking if you are like, able to.  I ask because someone was so kind to inform me that she was trying to find where to comment, and she was unable to.  And since I don't get many comments these days *cough* I was wondering if there's something wrong with the comment feature? Anyone?  *Cricket sounds*  Alrighty then, moving on....

   Is it o.k. if I send out a few snapshots stapled together for our Christmas card this year?  I was thinking one of me after I just woke up, one of Randy driving the loader at work, and a couple of Jocelyn and Charlotte either crying or eating spaghetti.  O.k. good because I feel like that's the best I can do right now.

    Since Thanksgiving is within spitting distance (seriously, can you believe it?!) and we all know that means Christmas decorating two and a half weeks later  immediately after, here are some lovely, wintery, Pin-able ideas for your holiday decor.  This year I am LOVING all the white, pine cones and greenery popping up everywhere for the holidays.  And perhaps the thing I love most about it, is the fact that you can decorate ONCE, and leave it up all winter long because it doesn't scream CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at you.  And yet, it still feels very festive.  Perfecto.  Pinterest, once again you've outdone yourself.

   And, just because we don't actually have a fireplace, it doesn't mean I couldn't have that lovely mantel to decorate!  Introducing *drumroll please* the faux-mantle!  Would you do one in your house?  I certainly would!  But then, you already knew that.  Silly me.

 It would look so perfect and cozy in your living room.....
  Or perhaps a child's room...

   Or even the bathroom!  Just think of how cozy it would could get one of those pine scented Wood Wick candles that sounds like a crackling fire and just let your imagination do the rest!

   Images and links can be found on my Pinterest boards, and more specifically, here and here.

   Well one baby is up from her nap and the other is probably going to awaken at any time, so I shan't tarry any longer.  Happy home-interior-winterizing, folks!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Man you are making me want Christmas! Some reason it feels like the season already. :)

  3. I've never commented on your blog before, because somehow commenting on a blog by someone I don't know IRL seems stalkerish. Silly, I know, because regularly reading WITHOUT commenting is far more stalkerish. ;) But anyway, I love your pictures, and your blog is so honest and inspiring.

    1. Not stalkerish at all! I love hearing from new readers. You encouraged me! Thanks so much.

  4. I had trouble figuring out how to comment. But...two other people did before me! I feel stalkerish too, but I really enjoy your blog and your style. I'm not quite ready to give up crazy color for Christmas, but I like your idea of white and leaving it up for ages. And I love the faux mantle idea!

    1. Thanks Beth! And "stalk" all you want, I'm so honored that people even read this.:)

  5. Love the pinterest inspiration lady! I think my comment is posting fine....
    Keep the posts coming!
    ps. I take that back. Right after I typed my msg and went to publish it, It keep popping up with those messages like "please enter these letters assgub" to make sure this isn't a robot. If that makes sense? I had to do it like 5 times to get my msg to post.

    1. So strange about the comment issues! I am planning a complete re-do of the blog, HOPEFULLY that will help!

  6. yes, i can comment. i guess the reason why i dont more is for fear of being labeled "crazy-person-i-dont-even-know". so here i am. :) and i must tell you how much your blog blesses me!! I love how you write about real life. about the ups and downs o f motherhood. your love for your husband and children and God comes thru! i always come away blessed after reading it. :)

    i love the pictures..but someone please tell me, HOW do you start decorating around horrid "yellowish" wood!!!?!!! i dont have perfect whiteness around me like those pictures!

    1. Never fear being labeled that, I love all comments!! Thank you so, so much for your kind words about the blog. I often feel so unsure about my blog and whether or not I should even continue at all, and so that was so uplifting and encouraging to hear. Thanks!


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