Ringing in 2015.
2:21 PMEarlier this year, I was freaking out just a little bit about the holidays, because I felt like we weren't going to have a lot going on. We weren't planning to go home to Iowa because we are making a trip later in January for a wedding, and Randy's family only had a couple of things planned. So Randy and I decided that life is too short to sit around and pout and we (mostly Randy) planned a trip to the coast over New Year's eve. And I hope it can become an annual tradition!
We all stayed at a house at the coast for a couple of days over New Year's Eve and God blessed us with B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L weather. It was such a great time.
We rang in the new year, much good food was eaten, strategy games were played, and a highlight was watching our beloved Ducks crush the Seminoles for a chance to play for it all in the championship game! It was poetic.
Poor Charlotte was SO sick in the days leading up to this trip, I was afraid we wouldn't even be able to go. But we used a lot of oils and a lot of prayer and a little bit of Tylenol, and her fever broke the night before we left. Thank-you Jesus! Such a good time was had by all.
What are some of your families' holiday traditions? I'd love to hear!