Be mine, Valentine.
3:22 PMUsually for Valentines Day, Randy and I always love being able to get away on a date, just the two of us, and take some time to re-connect. And I think even after kids come along (make that ESPECIALLY after kids come along) it is still very important to do so. How sad would that be if we let life and all its priorities crowd in until there wasn't much room left for us? Pretty sad.
But we really enjoy spending time together as a family too, and why should it always have to be one or the other? So this year, we decided to try both. And it was just about perfect. Friday night was spent together as a family, and Saturday was our turn to go out alone. Win/win.
It certainly took some time getting ready, baths and showers and hair and painting three sets of nails and toenails, but it was so worth it. The girls wore their new dresses from Grandma and I even allowed them to wear a little bit of pink lipstick, it being such a special occasion and all.
Charlotte excitedly began putting on her shoes and coat and was SO disappointed when she realized we were just staying home. She was just sure that after all that fuss we must be going somewhere very important and exciting. And can you blame her? We certainly are not in the habit of fine dining around here like the Granthams or anything.
But she quickly warmed up to the idea of a "fancy night in" and we set the table and dug in. Grilled lamb chops, spinach stuffed ravioli, Red Lobster biscuits, shrimp cocktail and green beans were on the menu, and even the girls got to enjoy sparkling cider from their fancy goblets.
They may as well have been Cinderella at the ball.
It will always be one of my favorite Valentine memories.
Just my two little ladies, my handsome man, and a tiny little babe kicking and squirming inside, just to let me know he/she liked the pork chops and didn't want to be forgotten. And those roses? Well, you should have seen their faces when their daddy presented them each with one of their own.
Lately Jocelyn has been on this kick of wanting to get married. I wasn't sure where that came from, but with a little prodding it seems she just really wants to be able to go on dates with someone. Oh and have babies in her tummy. And be treated special like her daddy treats her mama.
Totally heart-melting, in my humble opinion.
Here's hoping all of your Valentines' Days were special and unique and memory-making.