
Mom-Guilt myths that need to go.

   Randy and I are currently on a little getaway to San Diego, without kids, in celebration of our 8th anniversary and his 33rd birthday.   The sun is shining and the city is beautiful and the food is amazing, but I think what we've enjoyed most so far is getting in and out of a car without dealing with car seats, eating...

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When friendship is hard.

  So the other day I posted on my Instagram story (for those unfamiliar with Instagram, "stories" are videos that disappear after a day, unlike the photos that remain in your feed) which received a lot of feedback, and so I thought I would do a blog post about the subject.  Unfortunately, unless you follow me and happened to see the videos, they...

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Things you need to add to your shopping cart. Or at least think about.

Hello friends!   Are you tired today? I'll admit, I'm a little weary right now.  Archer is still getting up at night, enjoys mauling faces (see above) William is an active little guy who wants to play outside every day and we live where it rains all the time, and the girls need someone to do school with them.  The laundry has a...

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Things I Don't Understand.

  Here's a brief list of 6 things I don't understand (and probably never will).  Ten would have sounded cooler than six, but my kids are grumpy and I need to go make supper. So six it is. 1. How to fold a fitted sheet.    I know, I know, there's lots of tutorials online, but I still don't know if I will...

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Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match.

   Picture perfect proof of how difficult (impossible) it is to get a good family picture with four little kids.  These were taken (or attempted to be taken) back in October, in Iowa, at my brother Shelby's wedding, when our sweet little Archer man was only 6.5 weeks old.   Their story is perfect.  Their whole day was perfect.  The weather was perfect.  ...

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